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One of the valuable assets of many associations, especially professional and politically oriented associations is their reputation. Without this reputation the ability to recruit and retain members or solicit contributions could be seriously compromised. If the content of your site is changed without authorization, the result will at a minimum be embarrassment and a tarnished reputation. If the change(s) are to highly visible pages such as the home page, they are likely to be caught and corrected quickly but also be seen by a relatively large audience before they are corrected. If the changes are to more obscure pages there may be a significant lag before the damage is discovered but many viewers may have seen it in the mean time.

Very few web site visitors bother to report even obvious problems to the site owners. Generally visitors see nearly all problems as reflecting negatively on the organization the site belongs to regardless of whether the problems are simple technical problems such as broken links or obviously inappropriate content. If site content in a large site is changed in a sophisticated and subtle manner it could be a very long time before the damage is discovered. For example, changes to the editorial content of online periodicals might go undetected until after damage was done because such pages are rarely revisited by staff once they are placed on a web site.

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